Friday, October 29, 2010

Whatcha Gonna Queue?!!!!! Web review show!

Hey Guys! Long time no see! Sorry, I have been crazy busy with writing (8 total projects), children (apparently you have to feed them and such), work (MONEY!!!), and that HUGE distraction called Halo: Reach! Well, I'm back! Well, at least to tell you about this awesome new Youtube Channel/Movie review show that was just recently brought to my attention. It is called "Whatcha Gonna Queue?", and it is awesome! These two guys, Alex and Jim, sit down and discuss their selections for movies, similar to many other review shows only less boring. From the episodes that I have seen so far, I thoroughly trust their selections and recommend everyone watch the show! Their recent Halloween selections came out this past Tuesday and I must say they are all solid choices! Great job guys.

Here is some of their info if you would like to follow them (and I strongly suggest it):

Email -
Alex -
JIm -

Website -

Facebook -

Twitter -

And last but not least, here is the most recent episode, so enjoy!!! Then subscribe to them. Talk to them! Give them your input. Us as bloggers have an duty to do so!

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